equine massage & acupressure in Ocala

why equine massage & acupressure in ocala?

Regular Ocala horse massage helps keep your horse’s muscles loose and flexible, reducing the risk of injury. Whether your discipline is hunter, jumper, eventing, polo, racing, or carriage driving, your horse’s mind and body endure significant strain. Over time, massage therapy also aids in breaking down scar tissue, promoting long-term mobility and comfort. By incorporating equine bodywork and acupressure, massage not only benefits the muscular system but also stimulates key acupoints, helping to release cortisol and support overall health and relaxation.

Benefits to equine horse massage in Ocala

  • Increased blood flow

  • Mental & Physical Health

  • Increased range of motion

  • aids in conditioning

signs your horse may need massage therapy

  • Resistance to lateral movement or stretching

  • unable to hold gate for period of time

  • back soreness

  • head tossing

  • stiffness

need a horse massage therapise in ocala?

Book your appointment online now

call your ocala massage therapist


(352) 358-1764